Monday, 4 May 2015

3 important skin care tips

Do you feel that you are doing almost every single thing right but are still unable to get the desired results as far as appearance of your skin is concerned? Or maybe you have started to feel that that you are doomed to unhealthy skin – a thought which stems from some of the age old misconceptions and myths that the condition of one’s skin depends entirely on the genes that were passed on to them through their parents. However, this is just one of the myths that prevent people from achieving healthy skin. In order to set a right facial skin care regime, it is important that one keeps herself away from misconceptions and make themselves aware of the facts.

So here are a few misconceptions that you should keep yourself away from as much as possible:

• Removing acne through scrubbing: It should not be considered as a hygiene problem because most of the times acnes are nothing but are issues related to hormonal changes. So no matter how much time you spend cleaning your face, it will not help you get rid of the acnes at all. Instead of making efforts to scrub the acnes, you should wash your face gently with a good face wash as it will remove any sort of dirt and clear the blocked pores without irritating it. And if you really want to use a scrubber, then ensure that it is not used more than once a week.

• Sunscreen: A major mistake that a lot of women make is to blindly trust the labels of sunscreen products which call themselves as all day protection products. However, there is no product till date that can provide protection to your skin against sun for the entire day. They usually do not last more than just a few hours. So if you are out in the sun for long, ensure that you apply it once every 3 to 4 hours. Another important fact to be aware of is that treating your skin with sunscreen becomes more important if you regularly treating your skin with retin-A or beta hydroxyl acids.

• Alcohol: If you drink on a daily basis, then it is important that you increase your water intake as well because alcohol leads to dehydration which will make your skin dull and unhealthy.

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